Love and Support Prevails in the WSL Hawaiian Pro
Priorities? There is always time for love and support , a reprieve from priority jockeying.

Tomas Hermes did not like the opening ride of his heat in the Hawaiian Pro. He burnt off all his speed in a fade, thus the nose and rail stuck and stopped his ride.

Often in wipe outs like this, nose rocker together with the rail can grab water, abruptly stopping a board. Changing to a surfboard with less rocker may help. Tomas decides to come in and change boards. At the same time he consults and consoles with his partner. All this consumes valuable time which does not seem to concern him.

Tomas decides to swap boards and paddle back out.

Tomas is undecided and returns to his partner once again.

Tomas decides to use the original surfboard with mixed feelings.

Despite the loss of valuable time, Tomas beat the buzzer on a ride with opportunity to advance. His efforts came to an end as he failed to complete the ride and fell with another nose poke. Perhaps the other board would have served him better, nevertheless; a loss not in want of a better serving partner. Time spent together with his partner was not factor. Competitive stress often fuels paddle battles, shadowing and amped performances. It is rare for surfers to come in for a kiss.

The tip of Tomas' surfboard is visible, although it submerges in an instant, Tomas keeps it above water. The board is decelerating due to the bottom rocker bend impacting the wave. The board submerges as drag is generated under the board. Pressure on the top comes from the surfer's weight and speed. A board with less rocker may have helped Tomas advance.

Tomas is again consoled by his loving family.

Often when a board loses all its speed, the bow enters the water. The surfboard is no longer fully planning. Should the bow and rail stick, the board can abruptly decelerate and launch the rider.